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Games - Clonk Mars and Melee | Player: Ling | 101 - 150 of 1797 Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [...] 32 33 34 35 36
Leagues Status Scenario Start Time Duration evaluation time Players Rank Score
Melee Blackfield [T mod. v7.42] 29.12.17 - 18:06 0:17:32 0:16:34 [THC]Wunder vs. Jens vs. [UC]Ling
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8.1] 29.12.17 - 17:50 0:08:52 0:08:41 [THC]Wunder vs. [UC]Ling
Melee Temple Pushing r0.931 17.12.17 - 18:15 0:20:52 0:19:13 Kyuubi vs. [UC]Ling vs. Jens
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 11.12.17 - 22:08 0:16:38 0:16:06 SeeFunker vs. [UC]Ling vs. [UC]Peder vs. [H2O]Loyalty
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 11.12.17 - 21:43 0:16:41 0:11:59 [UC]Peder vs. SeeFunker vs. [H2O]Loyalty vs. Chipakyu vs. [UC]Ling
Melee DynMelee1.2 11.12.17 - 20:53 0:32:39 0:26:58 [UC]Peder vs. Chipakyu vs. [UC]Ling vs. [TL]alex
Melee JungleFlurry 11.12.17 - 20:29 0:16:49 0:13:29 [UC]Peder vs. Chipakyu vs. [UC]Ling
Melee Magmagemenge 11.12.17 - 20:22 0:05:12 0:03:41 [UC]Peder vs. Chipakyu vs. [UC]Ling
Melee CrazyElevator 2¾ [Tournament mod.] 11.12.17 - 20:13 0:04:02 0:02:53 [UC]Peder vs. [UC]Ling vs. Chipakyu
Melee Downhill Race Olympia 11.12.17 - 20:05 0:02:42 0:01:30 [UC]Peder vs. Chipakyu vs. [UC]Ling
Melee Sty Islands+ v2.84 11.12.17 - 19:49 0:12:06 0:11:03 [UC]Peder vs. [UC]Ling vs. Chipakyu
Melee Clonk Kwitz Remake 11.12.17 - 19:27 0:14:27 0:13:36 [UC]Peder vs. Chipakyu vs. [UC]Ling
Melee Changing World 0.997 03.12.17 - 21:17 0:10:07 0:08:51 SeeFunker,[GoM]Mortimer vs. [UC]Ling,[THC]Wunder
Melee Balance 1.1.50 03.12.17 - 20:54 0:19:10 0:17:35 [UC]Peder,[GoM]Mortimer vs. [UC]Ling,Vengard vs. SeeFunker,[THC]Wunder
Melee Sty Islands+ v2.84 03.12.17 - 20:28 0:22:27 0:20:50 [UC]Peder,[GoM]Mortimer vs. SeeFunker,[THC]Wunder vs. [UC]Ling,Vengard
Melee Blackfield [T mod. v7.3] 03.12.17 - 20:13 0:11:45 0:09:47 [UC]Peder,[THC]Wunder vs. SeeFunker,[GoM]Mortimer vs. [UC]Ling,Vengard
Melee Clonk-Fußball 1.8.7 03.12.17 - 19:57 0:09:09 0:08:26 [UC]Peder,SeeFunker,Cani vs. [THC]Wunder,Vengard,[UC]Ling
Melee Temple Pushing r0.931 03.12.17 - 19:45 0:06:49 0:06:14 [UC]Ling,[UC]Peder,[THC]Wunder vs. [GoM]Mortimer,SeeFunker,Vengard
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8.1] 03.12.17 - 19:31 0:07:46 0:06:35 SeeFunker,[UC]Peder,[GoM]Mortimer vs. [THC]Wunder,[UC]Ling,Vengard
Melee Clonk-Fußball 1.8.7 03.12.17 - 19:18 0:09:00 0:08:25 [UC]Peder,[UC]Ling vs. SeeFunker,[THC]Wunder
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8.1] 03.12.17 - 19:09 0:07:11 0:05:58 [Imp]-GEN- Wipf,[GoM]Mortimer,[UC]Ling vs. [THC]Wunder,[UC]Peder,SeeFunker
Melee Temple Pushing r0.931 03.12.17 - 18:51 0:12:19 0:11:12 [Imp]-GEN- Wipf,[UC]Peder vs. [THC]Wunder,[GoM]Mortimer,[UC]Ling
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8.1] 03.12.17 - 18:19 0:06:51 0:05:35 [UC]Peder,[Imp]-GEN- Wipf,[H2O]Alx vs. [THC]Wunder,[UC]Ling,[GoM]Mortimer
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 21.11.17 - 20:15 0:10:08 0:07:36 [UC]Ling,Chipakyu,Fulgen vs. [DER]Tod,[UC]Peder,[ALT]jok
Melee BlobbySoccer 19.11.17 - 21:13 0:09:21 0:08:37 Zecke,[Imp]-GEN- Wipf vs. [UC]Peder,[UC]Ling
Melee Clonk-Fußball 1.8.7 19.11.17 - 20:49 0:13:31 0:12:36 [UC]Peder,Zecke vs. [Imp]-GEN- Wipf,[UC]Ling,[ALT]jok
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 19.11.17 - 20:34 0:06:35 0:06:08 [Imp]-GEN- Wipf,[UC]Ling,[THC]Wunder vs. [UC]Peder,[ALT]jok
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 19.11.17 - 20:17 0:14:53 0:13:58 [UC]Peder,[Imp]-GEN- Wipf vs. [THC]Wunder,[UC]Ling,[ALT]jok
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 19.11.17 - 20:10 0:04:35 0:04:21 [UC]Ling,[Imp]-GEN- Wipf,[ALT]jok vs. [UC]Peder,[THC]Wunder
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 19.11.17 - 19:59 0:09:51 0:09:18 [UC]Peder,[ALT]jok vs. [UC]Ling,[THC]Wunder
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 19.11.17 - 19:47 0:07:39 0:07:10 [UC]Ling,[THC]Wunder vs. [UC]Peder,[ALT]jok
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 19.11.17 - 19:23 0:10:04 0:06:31 [THC]Wunder,Fulgen,[UC]Ling vs. [UC]Peder,Chipakyu,[ALT]jok
Melee BridgeFight [Tournament mod.] 14.11.17 - 20:14 0:06:19 0:05:49 [UC]Peder,SeeFunker vs. Fulgen,[UC]Ling
Melee BridgeFightPLUS [s2mod v3] 14.11.17 - 20:10 0:02:38 0:02:20 Fulgen,SeeFunker vs. [UC]Peder,[UC]Ling
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 14.11.17 - 19:48 0:10:25 0:09:18 [UC]Peder,SeeFunker vs. [H2O]Alx,[UC]Ling,Fulgen
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 14.11.17 - 19:35 0:09:38 0:08:50 SeeFunker,[UC]Ling,[H2O]Alx vs. [UC]Peder,Fulgen
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 14.11.17 - 19:19 0:09:47 0:07:29 [UC]Peder,[THC]Wunder,SeeFunker vs. [UC]Ling,[H2O]Alx,[ALT]jok,Fulgen
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 14.11.17 - 19:01 0:14:39 0:14:00 [UC]Peder,Fulgen vs. [H2O]Alx,[UC]Ling
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 14.11.17 - 18:44 0:06:03 0:05:42 Fulgen,[UC]Ling vs. [UC]Peder,[H2O]Alx
Melee Wagon Fight Blue v1.15 05.11.17 - 21:13 0:01:55 0:01:34 [UC]Peder,Zecke vs. [UC]Ling,SeeFunker
Melee BridgeFight [Tournament mod.] 05.11.17 - 21:00 0:10:34 0:10:14 [UC]Peder,[UC]Ling vs. SeeFunker,Zecke
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 05.11.17 - 20:50 0:06:10 0:05:56 [ALT]jok,[UC]Ling vs. [UC]Peder,SeeFunker
Melee XeronKnight [T mod. V1.1] 25.10.17 - 19:30 0:07:34 0:07:21 [UC]Peder,[H2O]Alx vs. [DER]Tod,[UC]Ling
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 25.10.17 - 19:21 0:06:41 0:06:29 [H2O]Alx,[DER]Tod vs. [UC]Peder,[UC]Ling
Melee Blobby Volley! v1.1.1 25.10.17 - 19:04 0:04:07 0:03:50 Fulgen,[UC]Ling vs. [UC]Peder,[DER]Tod
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 25.10.17 - 18:23 0:07:58 0:07:15 [UC]Ling,[TL]alex,Fulgen vs. [UC]Peder,[DER]Tod
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 25.10.17 - 18:02 0:06:37 0:06:21 [ALT]jok,[TL]alex vs. [UC]Peder,[UC]Ling
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 24.10.17 - 20:06 0:08:00 0:07:45 [UC]Peder,[UC]Ling vs. [DER]Tod,[H2O]Alx
Melee Mirrored Cave Race 1.00 24.10.17 - 19:17 0:27:16 0:21:45 [UC]Ling,Padii,Zecke vs. [UC]Peder,[H2O]Alx,[ALT]jok
Melee Mirrored Cave Race 1.00 24.10.17 - 18:51 0:13:00 0:11:12 Zecke,[ALT]jok,Padii vs. [UC]Peder,[UC]Ling,[H2O]Alx