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Leagues Status Scenario Start Time Duration Players
Melee MeltMe with teams UT-Style 2.0 13.05.14 - 18:39 0:12:35 [CM]Aqua vs. [DER]The_Joker vs. Twonky
Melee Blobby Volley! v1.0 13.05.14 - 18:38 0:05:16 [TL]TheDun,Twonky,[SF]Dude vs. [TL]alex,[GoM]Mortimer
Melee Stoss-Weg 13.05.14 - 18:30 0:05:56 [ALT]lax,[GoM]Mortimer vs. [SF]Dude,Twonky,[TL]alex
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 13.05.14 - 18:19 0:08:51 [ALT]lax,[SF]Dude,AniProGuy vs. [TL]alex,[GoM]Mortimer
Melee MeltMe with teams UT-Style 2.0 13.05.14 - 18:11 0:20:10 [CM]Aqua vs. [CM]Trackers vs. dan-dan vs. [DER]The_Joker
Melee Q4 Map 1 13.05.14 - 18:02 0:08:06 [MW]B_E vs. [DxD]Slayer
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 13.05.14 - 18:00 0:07:17 [GoM]Mortimer,AniProGuy,[TL]alex vs. [ALT]lax,[SF]Dude
Melee TerajumpersXtra 13.05.14 - 17:59 0:07:57 Kandif vs. [TL]alex vs. [SF]Dude vs. AniProGuy
Melee Hot Ice 13.05.14 - 17:51 0:01:46 Kandif,[SF]Dude vs. [TL]alex,[ALT]lax
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 13.05.14 - 17:35 0:06:38 [TL]alex,[ALT]Mave,Skill like a Noob vs. Pawel,[ALT]lax,[UC]Lumberjack
Melee Moonmap Rejoin 13.05.14 - 17:26 0:08:28 [UC]Lumberjack,Kandif vs. [ALT]lax,Skill like a Noob,[GoM]Mortimer
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 13.05.14 - 17:22 0:03:55 [TL]alex vs. [ALT]Mave
Melee Sky Melee 13.05.14 - 17:11 0:09:34 Dannydash vs. Kandif vs. [UC]Lumberjack vs. [GoM]Mortimer vs. Pawel
Melee Minor Melee 13.05.14 - 17:01 0:05:55 [CM]Aqua vs. [D]Octagon
Melee 2. Who is the mole? 13.05.14 - 16:40 0:15:48 [UC]Lumberjack,[ALT]ala,[TL]alex vs. Kandif,Maikel,[ALT]lax,Dannydash
Melee Nexus Tunnels [S/j mod. v1.2.0.2] 13.05.14 - 16:37 0:01:50 [ALT]ala vs. Maikel
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 13.05.14 - 16:36 0:05:20 [ALT]Apfelclonk vs. [ALT]jok
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 23:00 0:04:13 Pawel vs. [cs]Sven2
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 22:50 0:06:45 [cs]Sven2 vs. Pawel vs. [ALT]Mave
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 22:40 0:06:58 [ALT]jok,[cs]Sven2 vs. [ALT]Mave,[ALT]Kanibal
Melee Blobby Volley! Ohne Mana! 12.05.14 - 22:04 0:04:10 Twonky vs. [ALT]Mave
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 21:57 0:05:32 Twonky vs. Pawel vs. [ALT]Mave
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 21:49 0:07:32 Twonky vs. [ALT]Mave vs. Pawel
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 21:35 0:05:47 Twonky vs. Pawel vs. [ALT]Mave
Melee Clonk Kwitz 2.1 (s2edit) 12.05.14 - 19:44 0:12:22 [D]Wipfhunter vs. [ALT]jok
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 19:29 0:08:35 [ALT]lax,[ALT]Apfelclonk,[Imp]end vs. [TL]TheDun,Pawel
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 19:15 0:07:53 [ALT]lax,[ALT]Mave,[ALT]Apfelclonk vs. Pawel,[TL]TheDun,[H2O]SnickersSenpai,[Imp]end
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 19:09 0:05:24 [ALT]lax,[ALT]Mave vs. Pawel,[UC]Ling,[TL]TheDun
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 18:45 0:08:37 [ALT]Mave,[ALT]lax vs. Pawel,[TL]TheDun,Twonky,[UC]Ling
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 18:25 0:08:43 [H2O]SnickersSenpai vs. Kandif
Melee Blobby Volley! v1.0 12.05.14 - 18:17 0:06:32 Hexix,[H2O]SnickersSenpai vs. [ALT]lax,[UC]Ling
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 18:04 0:09:27 [ALT]lax,[ALT]Mave,Hexix,[ALT]Apfelclonk vs. [UC]Ling,[H2O]SnickersSenpai,[GoM]Mortimer,AniProGuy,Kandif
Melee Minor Melee 12.05.14 - 18:03 0:04:37 [SF]burny vs. [MW]B_E
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 17:47 0:09:14 [GoM]Mortimer,[UC]Ling,[H2O]SnickersSenpai,[DxD]Slayer vs. [ALT]Mave,[ALT]Apfelclonk,[ALT]lax
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 17:31 0:10:13 [ALT]lax,[UC]Lumberjack,[CM]Aqua,[GoM]Mortimer vs. [ALT]Mave,[ALT]Apfelclonk,[ALT]jok
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 17:23 0:04:31 [ALT]lax vs. [UC]Lumberjack
Melee Skyline [T mod. v4.5] 12.05.14 - 17:12 0:01:40 [TL]alex vs. [ALT]Mave
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 17:09 0:07:29 [ALT]lax vs. [UC]Lumberjack vs. [CM]Aqua
Melee Skyline [T mod. v4.5] 12.05.14 - 16:59 0:09:39 [ALT]Mave vs. [TL]alex
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 16:37 0:07:01 [ALT]Mave,[ALT]Apfelclonk vs. [UC]Lumberjack,[Imp]end,[TL]alex
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 16:28 0:07:39 [ALT]Mave vs. [UC]Lumberjack
Melee Skyline [T mod. v4.5] 12.05.14 - 16:23 0:03:16 [ALT]Mave vs. [UC]Lumberjack
Melee Skyline [T mod. v4.5] 12.05.14 - 16:14 0:08:03 [ALT]Mave vs. [UC]Lumberjack
Melee Skyline [T mod. v4.5] 12.05.14 - 16:01 0:07:21 [ALT]Mave vs. [UC]Lumberjack
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 15:53 0:06:09 [ALT]Mave,[GoM]Mortimer vs. Pawel,[DxD]Slayer
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 15:42 0:07:23 [ALT]Mave,[GoM]Mortimer vs. Pawel,[DxD]Slayer
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 15:16 0:06:48 [ALT]Mave,[ALT]Apfelclonk,[DxD]Slayer vs. Pawel,[H2O]SnickersSenpai,[UC]Lumberjack,[UC]Ling
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 15:06 0:07:29 [ALT]Mave,Pawel vs. [UC]Ling,[UC]Lumberjack,[H2O]SnickersSenpai
Melee Floor Fight [s2 mod. v8] 12.05.14 - 14:51 0:06:48 SeeFunker vs. [UC]Ling vs. AniProGuy
Melee Skyline [T mod. v4.5] 12.05.14 - 14:47 0:08:40 [ALT]Mave vs. Foaly vs. [H2O]SnickersSenpai vs. Pawel